
Posts Tagged ‘Rosebud Challenge’

Day One: A foraging I will go

In Rosebud Challenge on May 20, 2015 at 3:06 pm


Dear Diary,

Today I arrived at my new home. I just love the view.

If I’m going to make my dreams of being one of the rich and fabulous. I have to find ways to make some money and find food. I went to the park to see what I can find. I did some digging.

Found some kind of old water well. That I stuck my hand in yolo.

Turns out a frog was in there. It wasn’t worth much but some money is better then no money.

The walk to Willow Creek library wasn’t as long as I thought. Or I’m just getting use to all the walking.

Just my luck there is no free computers. Well, I did see some rocks I could dig up. Hopefully when I comeback one will be free. Collecting nonstop makes the time pass by so fast. Before yo know it you have a hunger pain. Not willing to part with any money I was lucky enough to find food.

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It’s true what people say free food is the best food.  Well I should go to bed if I want a early start.

05-20-15_2-01 PM

Kisses, Kim

So here is my Tally for day one:

Crytunium §75
Sadnum §155
Pyrite §10
Turquosie §20
Amethyst §55
Citrine §25
Rose §20
Quartz §30
Fossil Rocks x3 §150
Spotted Heart Frog §30
Striped Eggplant Frog §10
Leaf Frog §10
Striped Leaf Frog §10
Mysterious Time Capsule x2 §140

For a grand total of : § 740

Time to get a J O B

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